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UK’s Top Six Fish and Chip Restaurants Announced…

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The UK’s top six fish and chip restaurants have been revealed today as part of the 30th anniversary National Fish & Chip Awards, organised by Seafish.

Whittled down from an earlier judging round top 20 shortlist for the Fish and Chip Restaurant of the Year Award – one of 15 categories in the 2018 National Fish & Chip Awards – the six restaurants that will now compete to clinch the title of ‘UK’s best fish and chip restaurant’ are:

  1. Eric’s Fish & Chips, Thornham, Norfolk

  2. Poppie’s Fish & Chips, Soho, London

  3. Something Else Fishy, Millborne Port, Dorset

  4. The Cod’s Scallops, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

  5. The Pelican, Barnstaple, Devon

  6. Trenchers Restaurant, Whitby, North Yorkshire

To reach this stage of the competition, the finalists have been assessed by industry experts across a wide variety of judging criteria including responsible sourcing policies, menu diversification and innovation, restaurant facilities and appearance, staff training and development practices, and marketing and promotional activity. They have also received mystery shopping assessments to evaluate customer service levels and the quality of the fish and chips on offer.

Over the coming weeks, the finalists will be subjected to further in-depth judging audits to assess both the front and back–of-house operations. This final stage of competition judging will determine the overall national winner who will be announced at the 30th anniversary awards ceremony.

Marcus Coleman, Chief Executive at Seafish, said: “Fish and chips have always been right at the heart of British culture. The industry has evolved and adapted to new consumer trends over the years, and with the rise of fast, casual dining, fish and chip restaurants across the UK have thrived by offering a ‘sit-down’ alternative to the traditional fish and chip takeaway.

“Our robust judging process inspects all aspects of running a successful business. With many fish and chip restaurants vying to be crowned the winner, reaching the final stage of judging in one of our most competitive award categories is no easy feat. We were particularly impressed by the level of innovative thinking and smart entrepreneurship from the businesses, all while delivering a fantastic customer experience.

“I would like to offer my congratulations to our finalists – they are worthy ambassadors and truly champion the values that underpin our industry.”

Award sponsor Alan Pearce, Field Sales Manager at Goldensheaf, added: “As the UK’s leading batter mix producer, with a heritage of over 60 years, we can identify with the importance of being recognised as a quality performer within the fish and chip industry.

“This award category rewards those that provide an outstanding fish and chip dining experience for their customers, while continually striving to improve their standards and diversify their offering. We congratulate the 5 restaurants in reaching the final of the competition and wish them the best of luck in London next January 2018.”

The winner of the Fish and Chip Restaurant of the Year Award will be announced at The National Fish & Chip Awards’ 30th anniversary ceremony in London on 25 January 2018.

Prior to the awards ceremony, shortlisted businesses will embark on an educational study trip in early December to North East Scotland’s fishing port of Peterhead, organised by Seafish. They will have the chance to discover and learn about the catching, processing and supply of cod and haddock from North East Scotland to other parts of the UK, in addition to meeting a variety of members of the wider seafood industry.

For more information visit or follow @FishnChipAwards #FishnChipAwards.


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