[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Oliver’s Hardy.
There are a sprinkling of shops opening for delivery and collection only, many are still closed completely. But what are you doing whilst in lockdown?
We spoke to Helen Roberts owner of Oliver’s fish and chips (& ‘Oliver’s Mammy’) in Redcar to see what they have been up to in the last couple of weeks.
We have been closed now (both Takeaway and Restaurant) for just over 10 days and it has been extremely strange to say the least. With us just being a small family business we have had to put all of our staff (20) on the ‘furloughed scheme’ and with this system not being up and running as yet from HMRC we are still waiting day by day as to what is happening or changing via our accountant.
We are keeping our customers updated on our social media avenues: Facebook/ Twitter and Instagram – we are making sure these posts are as jovial as possible and making sure to keep our customers up to date as to what we are doing as a family, setting up competitions etc. After closing we still had a few sacks of potatoes left so as to not let them go to waste we donated them to our local food bank in Redcar. Oliver (8yrs) is keeping active by biking with us every day, he is helping with some DIY in the shops and he is also doing lots of works via our own home schooling – that being the case this is a very strange time for us, especially with Easter coming up next week so we are looking forward to having a competition on our social media avenues and keeping our customers engaged (on a light note) through this ever worrying time.
What are you doing with your shop/shops and how are you keeping in touch with your customers? Email austen@chippychat.co.uk and tell us your thoughts and plans.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″ el_class=”sticky-container”][mnky_ads id=”3659″][/vc_column][/vc_row]